Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church!
Please enjoy this welcome video from our Mother Cheryl.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, Trinity welcomes you.

All Are Welcome

We are a nurturing Christian community that celebrates diversity, embraces Anglican worship in many forms, emphasizes our youth, assists the least fortunate, and worships the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Trinity has room for longtime followers of Christ, for people new to their faith, for doubters, and everyone in between. We believe that everyone is both a teacher and a student, regardless of age. We are at our best when we listen and grow together.  

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Our Motto: Wherever You Are On Your Spiritual Journey, Trinity Welcomes You!

We are a church family of varied backgrounds and faith stories, and we want to invite you to add your voice to our collective story. We do not expect our members to have the same beliefs now or ever.  We hope that you will find a true community of faith in Trinity.

Everyone is a teacher and a student, valued equally as their authentic selves. Below, we outline the foundations of our beliefs, but we are indeed at our best when we listen and grow together.
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Why Choose Trinity Episcopal Church Tulsa?

As Episcopalians, we believe that God is love. We have experienced that love in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who teaches us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. In response, we share God’s love without reservation.

We believe that God redeems and restores human lives through Jesus Christ, who tells us to make disciples of those seeking God's grace and steadfast love. The Holy Spirit allows us to speak humbly and happily with others about our faith.

We believe that God calls us into covenant with God and each other. We gather for worship, fellowship, and friendship to care, encourage, learn, and grow in love and faith. We build a faith community to do these things, offer caring service to the community, and share God’s love with others.

We believe in striving for justice and peace among all people and respecting the dignity of every human being. Trinity welcomes and affirms people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and presentations. We believe all people are equal recipients of God’s grace and that all people may fully partake of the sacraments and spiritual benefits of faith; God gives us signs of that grace.

Contact Us

Questions? Give us a call or send us a message using the form below.