We understand that everyone learns and engages in different ways.  At Trinity we try to have a variety of classes to interest everyone. Classes are typically small group formats with lively, open discussions.  We offer Introductory classes Book Study classes, and a DVD and discussion class.  Class length varies so check back often to see what new opportunities are coming up.

Our 2023 class schedule includes some in-person classes, and some virtual classes. Please register below for more information and zoom links, where applicable.



Please note that some classes will be in person and others on Zoom. Please register using the links provided to receive information about connecting.

Sundays, 10:00am & Tuesdays, 7:30pm  |  3rd floor conference room/Zoom  | with Mo. Cheryl Harder-Missinne
This class is for anyone new to the Episcopal Church, those would like to learn more about our community, worship, and traditions. The topical classes will repeat, so that if folks miss one, they can attend when it comes around again. We look forward to getting to know you better as you discover more about us and how life at Trinity reflects the hospitality, traditions and love of neighbor at the heart of the Episcopal Church. This class will meet in the 3rd floor Lounge on Sunday mornings, or by zoom on Wednesdays.

(varied days/times)  The 20s/30s Group has scheduled gatherings at Mother Road Market the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM, for the rest of the year. Join us on May 11th, June 8th, July 13th, August 10th, September 14th, October 12th, November 9th, and December 14th.The group uses WhatsApp chats to stay connected and suggest ideas for getting together. If you would like to join them, please reach out to Jordan Bracht

Mondays at 9:30am  |  3rd floor conference room  |  Sharon Kelso
Dwelling in the Word:  Reflection on scripture is a foundational practice all Christians are invited to adopt as a way of discerning God’s voice in their own lives.  Please join parishioner Sharon Kelso for a weekly reflection on scripture at 4:00pm on Sunday afternoons.  The scriptures will be those read aloud in our church services earlier that morning.  The practice is simple:  the group will select one or more of the weekly readings from the Old Testament, the psalms, the epistles and/or the gospels.  After reading the passage(s), folks will be asked to share:  what catches your attention?  What questions does the passage raise for you?  What might God be saying to you through the passage?  While reading the passages beforehand in a good study Bible may be helpful, it is certainly not necessary to experience this thoughtful exploration of the scriptures of the week and how God may be informing our ministry work in the process.